Benvenuti to the Rose Sisters Oracle

An esoteric window into the Divine Feminine

Sacred Rose Energy

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Who Are The Sisters of The Rose?

Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and Martyrs

Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri Rome, Italy

Described as Souls who incarnate on planet Earth at particularly momentous times in history, they once called the brightest star Sirius home. They have roamed the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece; Arthurian England were among their favourite haunts. They were present at the Crucifixion, the fall of the Roman Empire, the decimation of the Cathars, the Renaissance, the French Revolution, the Venetian Republic, the American Revolution, and the World Wars. They traverse the Earth right now in these challenging and uncertain times. They heal, they pray, they inspire and they send love and compassion to those in need. They are dazzling beings of light who shine in the darkness. 1. Have you had a strong attraction to roses from an early age? 2. Have you an inherent connection to nature and beauty? 3. Have you a conscious yearning to walk in the Light?

Rose Sisters Oracle Boxed Set Including Guidebook Now Available To Order

About The Rose Sisters Oracle

The Rose Sisters Oracle is a tool for Women’s empowerment exploring the consciousness of the Sacred Rose: the mystical and gentle expression of the archetypal Divine Feminine.

Those who connect to the Rose Sisters Oracle commend its ethereal quality. Its purpose is to expand the individual into deeper states of awareness and alignment with a subtle yet dynamic vibration. The beautiful, magical and arcane images and the rich colours reflect the vital energies of the Rose Sisters themselves. They are agents for change in their earthly incarnations and they walk the planet now. This limited edition (2021) has a fresh, exciting and pulsating feel.

There is a joyful vibrancy to the 40 cards, each with profound wisdom from the Rose Sisters Mystery School channelled by the creators, Leslina Fanelli and Vivienne Rose Diamond. This Oracle is a powerful force for those willing to ebb and flow with the waves of transition and transformation. Use the Rose Sisters Oracle as a divination method, for self development, for healing, for dreamwork, and for journaling. It is an esoteric window into the wisdom and teachings of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

Intro To Oracle Readings

We offer unique card spreads with the Rose Sisters Oracle:

A simple spread that uses the Heart Bud symbol to find an answer to a question or to look into a specific situation (3 cards)

A detailed spread that uses the Rose Diamond symbol to receive guidance into a particular matter, integrate the energies, transform and evolve (5 cards)

About The Creators


LESLINA FANELLI: Teacher, Researcher and Practitioner of the Esoteric Arts, Leslina originally studied astrology and numerology with the Rosicrucian Master Berj Panikian in Sydney. She later undertook studies in psychic and spiritual art at Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, in the U.K.

Leslina has a Masters Degree in Education and has spent many years in facilitating, training and empowering others. Leslina was a well-known Clinical Hypnotherapist in Sydney where she specialised in Past Life Regression.

Tarot has been a life-long passion and  is a member of the Tarosophy International Tarot Association. Leslina has, more recently, undertaken studies and research in Karmic Astrology. She also undertook Labyrinth training in Queensland with world expert Tony Christie.

Leslina is an avid collector of crystals, gemstones and Tarot decks. Leslina’s  personal quest is to access and share the teachings and wisdom of the Rose Sisters Mystery School.

Leslina’s deep commitment to the Divine Feminine has taken her to many parts of Italy, France, Britain, Malta, Spain, India, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. She divides her time between Italy, where she tends roses and olives, and Queensland, Australia.

The Rose Sisters Oracle is based on digital photo-collages created by Leslina honouring the Sisterhood of the Rose.


VIVIENNE ROSE DIAMOND: Sparkly, playful, generous, empathetic, curious, trustworthy; with wanderlust in her blood. Vivienne’s love of learning and desire to discover the meaning of the universe and her purpose has allowed the development, unfoldment and blooming of her soul through a blend of life’s experiences and gnosis-a direct knowledge of reality.

Vivienne has a natural intimacy with the Divine and her personal essence grows and transforms through her intuitive capacities, spiritual, devotional practises of meditation, chanting, kundalini yoga, and being part of spiritual communities.

Vivienne is an ongoing student of the Diamond Approach® teaching for over 20 years and resides in Sydney with her creative, funny, big-hearted and compassionate teen son.

Vivienne takes delight in connecting with our Sacred Land, and Uluru, the ‘heart’ of the Red Centre is a treasured place.

Self-care involves creating rituals for nourishment including sound healing, remedial massage, connecting with crystals, reading esoteric texts and poetry, and creative self-expression through all forms of dance, especially burlesque.

Elephants, owls, snakes, cats and butterflies are her spiritual guides.

Prior to co-creating the Rose Sisters Oracle with Leslina, Vivienne forged a successful career as a Director and Environmental Scientist of a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy.

Vivienne’s generosity and passion to be of service to others brings to light her contribution as Finance Director for a vibrant spiritual community for two decades.

Additionally, Vivienne meaningfully supports a NFP Association as Treasurer, over the last 16 years.

Vivienne’s constant engagement and participation in self-development courses, masterminds, and training has led her to be recognised in studies of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Crystal Healing, Feng Shui, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Energy Healing including Magnified Healing®.



And we’ll send you a free copy of our eBook ‘Musings on the Rose Window, Inspirational Symbol for the Rose Sisters Oracle’